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Plane Ø 12 mm

Flat (hollow) braided PPM cord is made from Polypropylene multifilament fibre. Customers choose this populair PPM cord for dog leashes, horse halters & reins. Polypropylene does not absorb moisture, this feature keeps the PPM rope floating on the water and dries quickly, making it excellent material to make dog toys. PPM cord is light weight (even when wet), it feels smooth and doesn't get dirty quickly. PPM rope is washed in a washing machine at max. 40 degrees. Ropes made of PPM are highly valued thanks to their low weight, weather resistance, excellent knotability and universal range of applications. This hollow braid PPM is easily spliced with a fid (i.e. Selma needle).

Plane Ø 12 mm
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  2. Aqua PPM Corde - Ø 12mm. (plane/sans noyau) Numéro de l'article: MT011458
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